Hybrid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hybrid
As noun : गंगाजमुनी Ex:  He budded the hybrid rose for me.
द्विजाति Ex:  Trinitario is a natural hybrid of Criollo and Forastero. निज Ex:  Trinitario is a hybrid between Criollo and Forastero varieties. उ:   भरि निज नैन विलोकिये तजि नाना जंजाल। भिन्न भिन्न जातियों का Ex:  Sometimes programs are executed by a hybrid method of the two techniques. मिश्रण Ex:  This is due to the advanced technology in hybrid systems उ:   इस मिश्रण का उपयोग छर्रे बनाने में होता है। संकर Ex:  The Aeroscraft is not an airship or hybrid airship उ:   यह एक साझेदारी और एक निगम के बीच एक संकर है। संकरित Ex:  Compared to the similar hybrid works of Insular art from the British Isles उ:   इसी प्रकार पीले बीजों की मटर को हरे बीजों के साथ संकरित किया। संकारी Ex:  Dominican folk music is a hybrid of African and European elements.
Other : मिश्रित Ex:  The series was a hybrid of Romeo and Juliet and Bonanza . उ:   फोगो द्वीप पर यह एक सक्रिय मिश्रित ज्वालामुखी है।
Hybrid ki paribhasha : baaans ki kamachiyon ka bana ek gol aur kuchh gahara tokari ka sa paatr jisase kisaan log paani ulichate hain vah vyakti ya jaati jo do bhinn bhinn jaatiyon ke stri purush ke snyog se utpann ho braahmana, kshatriy aur baishya, jinako shaastraanusaar yajnaोpavit dhaaran karane ka adhikaar hai vah dhool jo jhaadou dene ke kaaran udti hai do ya adhik padaarthon ki ek men milaane ki kriya
Hybrid synonyms
combination bastard cross compound half-breed mongrel amalgam miscegenation half-caste crossbreed mule half-blood incross outcross
Hybrid antonyms
separation division homogeneous pedigreed pure purebred thoroughbred unmixed
Usage of Hybrid in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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