Hypocrisy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hypocrisy
As noun : ढोँगबाजी Ex:  I hate his hypocrisy
ढोंग Ex:  It is a good man, but his conduct is mere hypocrisy उ:   धार्मिक ढोंग और समाज की झूठी नैतिकताओं पर करारी चोट। दम्भ Ex:  It means even duplicity, hypocrisy धर्मसंग Ex:  The hypocrisy is hateful before God and men बकस्थान Ex:  This hypocrisy has finally lifted the mask मिथ्या चरित्र
Other : आडंबर Ex:  All this talk is just hypocrisy कपट Ex:  be pious without hypocrisy छद्म Ex:  He abhorred hypocrisy उ:   क्यूपिंग को छद्म विज्ञान के रूप में चित्रित किया गया है। ढकोसला Ex:  His hypocrisy is unmasked पाखंड Ex:  There is the hypocrisy in this action बनावट Ex:  This pipe carries the hypocrisy character उ:   भगवान शिव को समर्पित इस मंदिर की बनावट दर्शनीय है। मिथ्याचार
Hypocrisy ki paribhasha : paani ki dhaar jo pathikon ko oopar se paani pilaane men bandh jaati hai abhipraay saadhan ke liye hraday ki baat ko chhipaane ki vratti
Hypocrisy synonyms
fraud deception duplicity mockery bigotry insincerity dishonesty double-dealing lie casuistry sanctimoniousness falsity sanctimony cant pietism quackery speciousness affectation irreverence display imposture lip service pharisaism phoniness glibness unctuousness dissembling dissimulation bad faith false profession pharisaicalness
Hypocrisy antonyms
fairness honesty frankness truthfulness uprightness sincerity openness trustworthiness forthrightness righteousness
Usage of Hypocrisy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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