Hypocritical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hypocritical
As noun : पाखंडपूर्ण Ex:  One of the two genres, one that makes hypocritical उ:   ने इस व्यवस्था पर पाखंडपूर्ण होने का आरोप लगाया।
As adjective :
प���खंडपूर्ण Ex:  This hypocritical Eye bearings was
Other : छद्म Ex:  Having hypocritical air, the capacity, the mine hypocrite, hypocritical severity, tone hypocritical उ:   इस समय के दौरान, वह छद्म नाम "रेमिआ" के तहत लिखती थी। झूठा Ex:  It also said a hypocritical demonstration, simulating a sense ढोंगी Ex:  It feels his man of quality; he feels his hypocritical पाखंडी Ex:  This deceitful, hypocritical this had not yet lifted the mask
Hypocritical ki paribhasha : 0781 karanevaala ek kid
Hypocritical synonyms
duplicitous self-righteous sanctimonious unnatural insincere deceptive affected artificial assuming bland canting captious double double-dealing faithless fishy fraudulent glib hollow left-handed lying oily phony pious smooth snide specious spurious two-faced unctuous unreliable pharisaical pietistic smooth-tongued false caviling deluding dissembling feigning jivey moralistic smooth-spoken
Hypocritical antonyms
real honest truthful forthright frank authentic reliable righteous sincere genuine humble open actual just upright
Usage of Hypocritical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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