Hysterical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Hysterical
As adjective : उनमादी Ex:  A hysterical attack
उन्मत्त Ex:  Affection hysterical उ:   उन्हें तब से ही आजादी के मतवाले उन्मत्त श्रीराम मत्त नाम मिला। उन्मत्तक Ex:  In terms of medicine, hysterical Ball says the sensation that often precedes an attack of hysteria and which believe in sick a ball up his epigastrium his larynx उमंतं Ex:  This woman is hysterical ऊमंती Ex:  Vapours hysterical नष्टचित्त परिक्षीव मूढ़सत्व वातोन्मत्त वायुनिघ्न सरशार
Other : उन्माद Ex:  Phenomena hysterical मज़ेदार
Hysterical synonyms
crazy passionate frenzied impassioned vehement emotional furious violent frantic nervous agitated neurotic distraught overwrought uncontrollable mad berserk beside oneself blazing crazed delirious distracted fiery impetuous incensed irrepressible panic-stricken possessed rabid raging rampant raving spasmodic tempestuous turbulent uncontrolled unrestrained uproarious wild carried away convulsive fuming in a fit maddened seething unnerved worked up
Hysterical antonyms
sane indifferent apathetic pleased peaceful collected serene balanced reasonable cool unenthusiastic unexcited happy calm controlled mild moderate unpassionate
Usage of Hysterical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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