Icy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Icy
As adjective : अकलखुरा Ex:  The icy wind chilled me up to the marrow.
अरअ Ex:  The boat passing by in icy river banged with a pack ice and sunk in the river. कमरंद Ex:  Walter distributed the sand over the icy spots . गतरस Ex:  This region formed an icy sea. ठंडा Ex:  The person's feet may become icy cold. उ:   दोनों ही प्रकार में कोहरा आम हवा से अधिक ठंडा महसूस होता है। ठंडाआ Ex:  Where necessary these seem to have been adapted for icy conditions निसीठी Ex:  This density is higher than Saturn's other mid-sized icy satellites नीरस Ex:  Saturn's icy moon Mimas is spheroidal but Neptune's larger moon Proteus फिसलनेवाला Ex:  Answer icy फीकरिया Ex:  Mass considerable hard snow that comes off the icy summit of high mountains and rolling valleys into बरफ से भरा हुआ Ex:  This actor has an icy game बरफ से ढ़का हुआ बर्फ का बना हुआ बर्फ सा बर्फ़ीला उ:   उद्घाटन समारोह एक बर्फ़ीला तूफ़ान में आयोजित किया गया था। भावशून्य रुरुक्षु रूखा विरलभक्ति व्यतिलंघी सर्द साठनाठ हिमाच्छादित उ:   नीचे का आधा भाग 'जौनसार' है और ऊपरी हिमाच्छादित भाग 'बावर'।
Other : ठण्डा Ex:  During 2005, Cassini conducted multiple flybys of Titan and icy satellites. उ:   बड़े वाले हीट-सिंक को ठण्डा करने के लिये पंखा भी लगाया गया है। बर्फीला बहुत ठंड़ा बहुत ठंडा
Icy ki paribhasha : jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon jisamen koi svaad ya maja na ho
Icy synonyms
polar raw freezing chilly frigid cold glacial frosty arctic biting bitter chilling gelid glaring shivery algific antarctic chilled to the bone frigorific frost-bound frozen over iced refrigerated rimy shivering sleeted smooth as glass distant forbidding stony emotionless hostile indifferent unemotional unfriendly steely unwelcoming
Icy antonyms
tropical friendly responsive amicable watery warm heated hot sympathetic unfrozen
Usage of Icy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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