Idealism meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Idealism
As noun : आदर्शवाद Ex:  This iconic art was characterized from the start by a realistic idealism उ:   आदर्शवाद का बोलबाला रहा।
प्रत्ययवाद Ex:  Transcendental idealism उ:   इसलिए हेगेल का प्रत्ययवाद तर्क है। बाह्य शून्य वाद Ex:  His idealism would become increasingly influential भाववाद Ex:  It is also used as a name for an Adept of idealism उ:   इस प्रकार तार्किक भाववाद अपने मूल रूप में विश्लेषणात्मक दर्शन है। माया या कल्पनावाद Ex:  of both genders who belongs to idealism विचारवादअ
Idealism ki paribhasha : ek daarshanik siddhaant jisamen yah maana jaata hai ki hamaara samast gyaan vichaaron se utpann hai, bhautik jagat ke padaarthon se nahin vastuon ke jyon ke tyon varnan ko pramukhata ya mahatv na dekar na karake unake aadarsharoop ka varnan karana
Idealism synonyms
dignity majesty glory importance prominence merit generosity heroism nobility fame grandeur morality magnanimity celebrity note illustriousness renown chivalry distinction loftiness stateliness worthiness sublimity high-mindedness confidence anticipation certainty expectation elation enthusiasm trust happiness brightness cheer encouragement exhilaration calmness sureness easiness buoyancy cheerfulness assurance hopefulness positivism good cheer looking on bright side supremacy evolution virtue integrity accomplishment precision ideal superiority purity excellence quality fulfillment consummation crown paragon ending completion maturity realization exactness arete finish wholeness acme transcendence exquisiteness ripeness entireness impeccability phoenix excellency faultlessness finishing achieving perfectness idealization dream world rosy picture
Idealism antonyms
insignificance smallness unimportance littleness tininess uncertainty distrust doubt fear sadness sorrow hopelessness pessimism depression unhappiness gloom discouragement dishonor frustration imperfection inferiority commencement introduction damage deficiency flaw worthlessness subservience failure beginning start incompleteness uselessness
Usage of Idealism in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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