Ideally meaning in hindi
As noun : आदर्शतः Ex:  Since New Jersey was ideally located next to the Atlantic Ocean उ: आदर्शतः यह तब होगा जब कार्यक्रम खाली रहता है।
As adverb :
आदर्श रूप में या ढंग से Ex:  A meal would ideally begin with easily digestible fruit, such as apples.
ExamplesIdeally synonyms
handsomely gracefully splendidly wonderfully magnificently excellently prettily gorgeously tastefully sublimely attractively exquisitely superbly appealingly delightfully charmingly elegantly seductively alluringly bewitchingly celestially cutely divinely entrancingly correctly admirably flawlessly impeccably supremely faultlessly fitly superlatively to perfection Ideally antonyms
poorly partially imperfectly flawed Usage of Ideally in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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