Iguana meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Iguana
As noun : गोधा Ex:  Iguanodon teeth are, as the name suggests, like those of an iguana but larger.
गोसर्प Ex:  The iguana is found mainly in the Tropical America गोह उ:   गोह पानी व दलदल से प्यार करती है। पंचनखी सृदाकु
Other : इग्वेना Ex:  In recognition of the resemblance of the teeth to those of the iguana
Iguana ki paribhasha : udayapur raajavnsh ke ek poorvapurush ka naam jo baappa raaval se pahale hua tha
Usage of Iguana in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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