Ill at ease meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ill at ease
As noun : बिकरार ‡
बेचैन उ:   इसमें पशु को तेज बुखार होजाता है तथा पशु बेचैन होजाता है। बेहाल
Ill at ease ki paribhasha : jise kisi prakaar chain na padta ho
Ill at ease synonyms
anxious apprehensive awkward disturbed doubtful edgy fidgety hesitant insecure nervous on edge restless self-conscious shy suspicious tense uncomfortable uneasy unsettled unsure discomfited disquieted faltering on pins and needles on tenterhooks out of place unrelaxed
Ill at ease antonyms
content at ease comfortable
Usage of Ill at ease in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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