Ill defined meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ill defined
As noun : अमूझा
अस्पष्ट उ:   एस्ट्रोजेन के प्रभाव की जांच की गई है लेकिन अस्पष्ट बनी हुई है। गोमगा छायावेष्टित धुमैली म्लिष्ट विजल्पित संदिग्घ
Ill defined synonyms
murky unclear clouded obscured dingy lackluster shadowy cloudy dark gloomy dull gray dusk overcast faded pale blah bleary dreary dusky flat monotonous opaque tenebrous weak caliginous monotone blurred mat muted sullied tarnished lightless poorly lit unilluminated remote slight inaudible soothing gentle mild distant muffled far-off soft delicate deep padded wan hushed aside low piano moderate whispered subdued smooth quiet bland breathless dusty feeble hoarse imperceptible lenient tenuous low-pitched stifled murmuring faltering deadened muttering softened bleached bated out of earshot misty distorted foggy unfocused inaccurate uncertain imprecise not partial not particular not specific undetailed unspecific nebulous dazed dizzy dreamy groggy muddled unintelligible unsound whirling stuporous tranced undetermined infinite unlimited undefined broad confused doubtful dubious equivocal evasive indeterminate inexact inexhaustible innumerable intangible undependable unknown unsettled unsure wide indeterminable unfixed inconspicuous indiscernible indistinguishable unheard bleared out of focus disordered rambling detached diffuse disconnected negligent random remiss ambiguous lax amorphous enigmatic impalpable inexplicable misunderstood muddy perplexing problematic puzzling questionable superficial unspecified dreamlike amphibological bewildering generalized unexplicit
Ill defined antonyms
well-defined clear sharp lively encouraging cheerful vivacious intelligent bright shining light luminous sparkling distinct happy brilliant favorable good smart nearby friendly healthy boisterous brave courageous resolute close warm thick firm strong loud certain definite sure rough violent harsh colorful uncontrolled heavy bold smooth abnormal extraordinary individual novel unusual specific exceptional rare unaccepted uncommon unique circumscribed exact limited particular singular explained sunny unconfused uncloudy unhazy bounded discernible evident explicit apparent positive connected constrained restricted taut moral attached tight precise clean decent determined obvious secure
Usage of Ill defined in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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