Ill health meaning in hindi
As noun : अस्वस्थता Ex:  Nevertheless, despite ill health he continued his public commitments.
आकल्य Ex:  Brunel suffered several years of ill health खराब स्वास्थ्य Ex:  In later life, Shostakovich suffered from chronic ill health शरीरवैकल्य
ExamplesIll health synonyms
stroke syndrome cancer defect infection virus fever plague epidemic contamination disorder bug condition inflammation seizure hemorrhage temperature fit distemper feebleness attack endemic blight breakdown complaint collapse visitation spell canker decrepitude ache debility contagion upset indisposition misery affection flu unhealthiness convulsions pathosis sickliness disturbance ailment disability relapse confinement malaise affliction prostration dose ailing convalescence diseasedness failing health poor health what's going around imperfection deficiency frailty debilitation decay fault vulnerability shortcoming unwellness nausea unhealthfulness queasiness fragility flimsiness frailness weakness delicacy delicateness fragileness Ill health antonyms
health advantage soundness boon happiness good health ability strength blessing aid healthiness order well-being wellness perfection strong point improvement robustness relief comfort wholesomeness Usage of Ill health in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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