Ill meaning in hindi
As noun : अखज Ex: He became ill from overwork
अजाय Ex: He is an ill fated man. अदर्शनोय Ex: Pretending to be ill was her artifice. अधर्मात्मा Ex: He fell ill due to unbalanced diet. अधूरा Ex: He is an ill bread child. उ: मुरादाबाद में खरीदारी किए बिना आपका सफर अधूरा ही रहेगा। अनखौहा० Ex: She fell ill suddenly. अनबना Ex: the terminally ill patient committed suicide अनापद Ex: She never accounted that her child would fall ill during the trip. अनिपुण Ex: Her role in drama was ill defined. अनुविरीत से Ex: Neeta was ill so I went instead. अफगार Ex: he was consecutively ill, then well, then ill again अरिष्ट Ex: Life-giving drugs are administered to seriously ill patients. अशुभ Ex: The seer who predicted the death of Princess Diana is ill nowdays @. उ: इन अशुभ कर्मों को प्रज्ञापराध कहा जाता है। अशैव Ex: terminally ill असंपूर्ण Ex: The mourner became ill as he cried day and night. असत् Ex: Tom fell ill just before he was to perform . उ: अर्थात् असत् एवं सत् पदार्थों का ज्ञान ही दर्शन है। असमग्र Ex: We both fell ill after eating the baked fish . असुस्थता Ex: I'm sorry you're ill . अस्वस्थता Ex: I harbor no ill will against you . उ: उन्हें अस्वस्थता की भावना का अहसास हो सकता है। आकल्य Ex: I feel ill at ease about the interview . आकल्य Ex: I feel ill at ease about the interview . आतृण्ण Ex: I refuse to speak ill of any of my friends . आरिजा Ex: I hope I don't take ill before final exams . उपताप Ex: Please don't think ill of me . उल्ब्य Ex: I'm sorry to hear that you're ill . औनापौना Ex: Livia took the name Suor Arcangela and was ill for most of her life. किल्बिष Ex: Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz argued that psychiatric patients are not ill कुढ़ंग Ex: Wagner was by this time extremely ill कुहूमुख Ex: If injured or taken ill the batsman may temporarily retire कृच्छ Ex: When his wife fell ill in 1558 क्षतविक्षत Ex: 80,000 to 100,000 mentally ill adults in institutions were killed खवारी Ex: Hemingway fell ill on this trip and suffered a prolapsed intestine. ख़राब Ex: In December 1273, Rumi fell ill उ: सुर्यग्रहण को बहुत ही ख़राब माना जाता है। खुटवा Ex: Falling violently ill गंदमगंदा Ex: Shiva is often worshipped as Mruthyunjaya by the aged or ill गढ़्ढ Ex: In an attempt to improve his chronic ill health, Darwin went in 1849 to Dr. गर्ह्माणक Ex: Then in 1851 his treasured daughter Annie fell ill गहंणीय Ex: Although most Cubans acknowledge that they are aware Castro is seriously ill गालोडित Ex: He retired from the Senate in 1928 due to ill health. गैरमुकम्मल Ex: Arafat became ill and fell into a coma. घवहा Ex: 2005 to care for his ill mother in Brantford, Ontario. घायल Ex: Muhammad fell ill and died. उ: घायल को जिस स्थिति में आराम मिले उसी में रखें। घोहा Ex: Muhammad fell ill and suffered for several days with head pain and weakness. छीति Ex: Scotland during 1947-1948 while critically ill with tuberculosis. जबुर Ex: Many people are so ill that they are confined to bed for several days जबून Ex: Most are only ill and out of work for a week जरर Ex: Soon after, he sees an ill Victor Frankenstein, and invites him onto his ship. ज्यानि Ex: Because the king was too ill to speak, he confined himself to moving his hand. ज्यानी Ex: 1917, and Beuret died two weeks later, on February 16. Rodin was ill that year दोषपूर्ण Ex: Her final years were marred by a long period of ill health उ: उसका कार्य करने का ढंग दोषपूर्ण था। दौरित Ex: She was also severely ill and was operated on for osteomyelitis of the jaw. धीँग Ex: Francis fell gravely ill धैहा Ex: Napoleon was troubled by ill health नश, नशन Ex: Although the coming of the Russian Revolution boded ill for the art form नाखुशी Ex: Rachmaninoff fell ill during a concert tour in late 1942 नाचाक Ex: Roon resigned due to ill health नाचाकी Ex: The three youngest children and the often ill Augustus were close friends. निर्क्रृति Ex: After falling ill with fever and lying bedridden for days निर्दयता से Ex: They have no access to healthcare when they fall ill . निर्विद्ध Ex: Also said to two people who are mutually made ill offices परिहाणि Ex: at that time he was very ill प्रच्यवन Ex: BAD sometimes means Who is harmful, inconvenient, that causes ill प्रहाणि Ex: be attacked ill of Ardents प्रहीण Ex: be well surrounded, surrounded ill फासिर्द Ex: By extension, it means Qualification good or ill फिगार Ex: Confidence, peace of mind that results from the opinion, well or ill founded, that we have no fear of danger बदराह Ex: Doing something in spite of common sense, common sense, Doing very ill बदशगून Ex: Doubt well or ill founded बिद्दत Ex: Everything depends on the success it has, good or the ill success it has बिपत्त, बिपत्ति Ex: GET also means give in exchange, pay back, either for good or ill बिपद, बिपदा Ex: Haleine ill बिमार Ex: He ate so much that he made ill बीमार Ex: He fell ill for too feasted उ: उनके बीमार पिता ने यह सुनकर उसी समय देह त्याग दी। बीमारी Ex: He spent the night at this ill उ: यह बीमारी दूषित खाने व जल के सेवन से होती है। बुरा Ex: He spoke ill of my friend, I snubbed उ: स्वामी जी को यह बहुत बुरा लगा। बुरी तरह से Ex: I feel good, I'm not so ill that believes बुरे ढ़ग से Ex: I have been ill बेढब Ex: ill be stone बेतरह Ex: In wanting to someone, Having against him feeling ill मरज Ex: It also means being humiliated, mortified by some loss, for some ill success, etc मलन Ex: It also means Who brings with it a suite of important events, which decides something good or ill रिप्र Ex: It also tells of a band that carries a fabric rose at the neck, to support an injured or ill arms रुग्नता Ex: It is also used as the name he then takes in ill part to designate a person stateless, homeless रुजग्रस्त Ex: It is constantly ill रूखाई से Ex: It is ill with liver congestion रूद् Ex: It is seriously ill रोगग्रस्त Ex: It means, by extension, Harming someone , make him ill offices उ: रोगग्रस्त या रोगवाहक पशु या मनुष्य संक्रमण के कारक होते हैं। वट्ट Ex: It means, in ordinary usage, Change for good or ill विखइ, विखउ Ex: It now means what is proper to anyone, whether for good or ill विनिकार Ex: It says figuratively on all occasions where one can well or ill succeed, sometimes we do when sometimes good, sometimes bad विनुन्न Ex: Judging blows, Watching players and appreciate how they play well or ill विपत्ति Ex: Limping a low, very low or weak side of Bend ill उ: जो आपका यह चमत्कारी वैभवलक्ष्मी व्रत करे, उनकी सब विपत्ति दूर करना। विप्रत्यनीक, विप्रत्यनीयक Ex: Making good offices, ill offices to someone, serve or serve someone by words or by his actions विप्लुति Ex: of both genders who is sickly, which is often ill विसन्न Ex: OF INCREASINGLY, adverbial locution which marks progress in good or ill वैधुरी Ex: One should not speak ill the next, his neighbor वैशस Ex: or ill व्यापद् Ex: Place intended generally to receive some severely ill patients in religious communities and houses, in barracks, in colleges, in all training establishment with a boarding व्याबाध Ex: Praying, seeking for someone to give him some good or guarantee of any ill शत्रुतापूर्ण Ex: Preventing ill उ: द्रुमले पिप और बाकी सब लोगों के लिए भी शत्रुतापूर्ण है। शरीरवैकल्य Ex: PROGRESS is figuratively called Any kind of progress, increase good or ill शामल Ex: She is very ill शुभेतर Ex: Singing recantation, Se recant, speak well of a person or thing which had previously spoken ill श्रंथित Ex: Slightly, seriously, dangerously ill श्रृधू Ex: speak ill of his neighbor श्वयीची Ex: Speak well, speak evil, speak ill of someone, in speaking well, speak ill संकसुक Ex: Surgery Piece of single machine, or more double-folded, is applied to a bandage to keep or directly on any ill or injured part संप्रमोष Ex: Talking to someone on good terms, on bad terms, in speaking well or ill सकेती ‡ Ex: The horses of this hair-there are usually all good or ill सपत्राकृत Ex: The man fell in poverty, ill Retomber समस्या Ex: The suffering part, the body part that is afflicted, affected, ill उ: थायराॅइड की समस्या मिट जाती है। समासार्था Ex: The time is not safe, there appearance that the time will soon become ill समाहत Ex: The weather turns bad, the time starts to become ill सव्रण Ex: They speak ill of one other सांपराय Ex: This horse trots ill साकल्यक Ex: This judgment very ill for Complainant सामि Ex: This man, who was said death was not only ill सावशेष Ex: This state is financially very ill सियापोश Ex: To say ill of his neighbor स्तनयित्नु Ex: We can not speak ill of this man without blasphemy, but blasphemy स्नेहु Ex: What do you think of this man? He is a man who always thinks ill of others स्राम Ex: Who suffers, who is ill स्राम्य Ex: Willingness to harm others, to think, to speak ill in हति Ex: You think ill of your neighbor, you make bad judgments, rash judgments हरक्कत Ex: Your jams were taken ill हाँण Ex: , Break sugar on the head, on the back of someone, someone to speak ill हाँन Ex: , Close the door to evil thoughts, ill advice The away, reject हाण Ex: , Having crestfallen, humiliated, mortified by some loss, for some ill success हानि Ex: , He is a man judged, thought it ill of a man whose little merit we know, the little honesty उ: फिर भी इनमें हानि की अपेक्षा लाभ अधिक हुआ।
Other : अलील Ex: An ill considered proposal or response. बिलग Ex: He fell ill माँदा Ex: It also said it ill of a child, a schoolboy, a little girl who shows too much boldness रुग्ण Ex: It became quite different, said of a Man meant it for good or ill रोग Ex: It is seriously ill उ: भारत में यह रोग अधिकतर वर्षा ऋतु में हुआ करता है। विपदा Ex: Make conciliator between people who are ill all
Ill ki paribhasha : kisi ke snbndh men kahi hui buri baat aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho klesh ya shok ki sthiti paas ke dravy aadi men truti ya kami kisi shalok ya chhnd aadi ka vah antim pad ya tukad jo poora shlok ya chhnd vanaane ke liye taiyaar karake doosaron ko diya jaata hai aur jis ke aadhaar par poora shlok ya chhnd banaaya jaata hai
ExamplesIll synonyms
woozy diseased infirm ailing afflicted poorly down below par indisposed out of sorts peaked queasy rotten run-down under the weather unhealthy unwell a wreck bummed down with feeling awful feeling rotten feeling terrible got the bug laid low on sick list running temperature sick as a dog off one's feet hostile foreboding cross foul wrong unfortunate acrimonious adverse antagonistic cantankerous damaging deleterious detrimental disrespectful disturbing harmful harsh hateful hurtful ill-mannered impertinent inauspicious inimical iniquitous injurious malevolent malicious nocuous noxious ominous ruinous sinister sullen surly threatening unfavorable unfriendly ungracious unkind unlucky unpropitious unwholesome vile wicked nocent unpromising malady illness pain ailment sickness abuse misery suffering malaise affliction woe trouble disorder infirmity syndrome complaint mischief affection insult trial indisposition malice tribulation wickedness cruelty depravity damage unpleasantness injury condition destruction badness Ill antonyms
healthy good sound strong well moral honest happy happiness joy aid advantage healthiness praise friendliness thoughtfulness virtue favor improvement privilege profit prosperity good health well-being comfort cheer pleasure help blessing peace benefit kindness right fortune luck Usage of Ill in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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