Ill will meaning in hindi
As noun : कद्द Ex: I recognized his ill will toward me
तामिस्त्र दुर्भावना द्वेष उ: हम दोनों परस्पर द्वेष न करें। द्वेस निर्द्रोह मछर ‡ विद्विषाण वैर भाव शंबल सापत्नक स्पर्द्धन, स्पर्धन स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा
Other : मनोमालिन्य उ: इसी के बाद दक्ष और भगवान शिव में मनोमालिन्य उत्पन्न हो गया।
Ill will ki paribhasha : chitt ko apriy lagane ki vratti
ExamplesIll will synonyms
grudge envy antagonism acrimony hostility bitterness resentment malice enmity animus antipathy bad blood animosity rancor hatred aversion blame despite dislike feud hard feelings hate malevolence objection spleen venom maliciousness spitefulness bad will hatred hard feelings no love lost unfriendliness Ill will antonyms
good will rapport friendliness friendship happiness liking kindness pleasure sympathy sweetness love like respect good feelings loving Usage of Ill will in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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