Illegal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Illegal
As noun : अवैध Ex:  Rahul admitted possessing illegal drugs. उ:   फिर अवैध हथियारों का जखीरा भी जमा होने लगा।
स्मृत्यपेत Ex:  This was denounced as illegal by conservatives
As adjective : अन्याय युक्त Ex:  an illegal chess move अवैध,गैरकानूनी Ex:  His actions were illegal but morally justifiable. नियम विरुद्ध Ex:  There are an estimated 200,000 to 1 million illegal immigrants in France.
Other : गैर कानूनी Ex:  There are many illegal immigrants in our country.
Illegal ki paribhasha : jo shaastraanumodit na ho
Illegal synonyms
unwarranted wrongful irregular unauthorized banned unconstitutional unlawful outlawed illegitimate illicit prohibited criminal bootleg contraband crooked felonious forbidden heavy hot lawless racket shady sub rosa taboo unofficial verboten wildcat actionable prosecutable smuggled unlicensed black-market extralegal interdicted not approved not legal outside the law proscribed under the table unwarrantable violating
Illegal antonyms
justifiable warranted ethical legal authorized permitted lawful legitimate moral permissible good right blessed allowed
Usage of Illegal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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