Illegitimate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Illegitimate
As noun : अकह Ex:  It is illegitimate to use company property as private.
अजाय Ex:  Because of their illegitimate birth अनखौहा० Ex:  Although William was the father of ten illegitimate children by his mistress अनलहता Ex:  After the Ewing family's illegitimate son and ranch foreman अनुचित Ex:  The People's Republic of China claims that the ROC government is illegitimate उ:   अनुचित कैद में व्यक्ति के आवागमन पर पूर्ण रूप से रुकावट रहती है। अन्यथाचार Ex:  Mary Tudor and Henry Fitzroy, his illegitimate son. अयाथार्यिक Ex:  Elizabeth Blount gave birth to Henry's illegitimate son, Henry FitzRoy. असमीचीन Ex:  Franklin acknowledged an illegitimate son named William असांम्प्रत Ex:  He also managed to secure a post for his illegitimate son ऊलजलूल Ex:  George had already had an illegitimate son गैरकानूनी Ex:  This union was deemed illegitimate by English Catholics गैरमुनासिब Ex:  Charles's illegitimate गैरवाजिब Ex:  A former deputy prime minister rumored to be the illegitimate son of Niyazov जबुर Ex:  Character of what is illegitimate नाजायज Ex:  Recognizing a child, Declare, in authentic form, it is the father or mother of an illegitimate child नामाकूल Ex:  This prince made two of his legitimize illegitimate children नामुनासिब Ex:  Wants illegitimate नावाजिब Ex:  , Having clean hands Behave with integrity, administer faithfully make no profit illegitimate नाशाइस्ता Ex:  , Having clean hands Behave with integrity, doing no illegitimate profit बेढब Ex:  , stick Tour, Profit secret and illegitimate बेतरीका बेमुनासिब विधर्मा
As adjective : अधमर्ज Ex:  He also had an illegitimate half-sister, the cellist Amaryllis Fleming. अधर्मज (संतान Ex:  Henry also had illegitimate children. अनौरस Ex:  He was the illegitimate son of Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci अवैध Ex:  Having learned in August that Ernestine von Fricken’s was of illegitimate birth उ:   दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में इसे अवैध माना जाता हैं। जाजर Ex:  illegitimate child नाजायज़ Ex:  The fruit of an illegitimate love स्मृत्यपेत
Other : कम असल Ex:  Napoleon was married twice: Acknowledged two illegitimate children नकली Ex:  illegitimate Marriage ना Ex:  marry a woman of the left hand is said ironically of an illegitimate Union उ:   भूमध्य रेखा को वास्तव में ना छूने वाला सबसे निकटतम देश पेरू है। विधि विरुद्ध हरामी
Illegitimate ki paribhasha : kisi stri ki vah sntaan jo usake jaar ya upapati se utpann hui ho jo vivaahita patni se utpann na ho baaans ki kamachiyon ka bana ek gol aur kuchh gahara tokari ka sa paatr jisase kisaan log paani ulichate hain jo nakal karake banaaya gaaya ho jo shaastraanumodit na ho
Illegitimate synonyms
unauthorized illegal unconstitutional unlawful invalid improper illicit contraband wrong misbegotten spurious wicked supposititious unsanctioned
Illegitimate antonyms
authorized lawful legal legitimate moral ethical justifiable sanctioned warranted good right proper blessed
Usage of Illegitimate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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