Imagine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Imagine
As noun : अंदाजा लगाना Ex:  Evidence of the primitive civilisation have helped us to imagine our own history.
मंनना ‡ Ex:  Be sure someone, Counting firmly on him on his rescue; be assured that his opinions, his feelings are as we imagine them, we want the मानना Ex:  Or do we imagine that we no longer need his assistance? उ:   लेकिन अनेक विद्वानों का मानना है कि वेद आरंभ से ही चार हैं।
As verb : अटकलबाजी Ex:  I used to fondly imagine that life is a bed of roses. अनुमान करना Ex:  I really can't imagine you as a sailor . उदभावन Ex:  I can't imagine what it's supposed to represent". कल्पना करना Ex:  I can imagine everything, I can see everything in front of my eye". विचार करना Ex:  Believe SE PERSUADER means, imagine, imagine विमासना Ex:  Can you imagine it सोचना Ex:  Do not go you imagine will not believe, Do not think, do not believe
Imagine ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana
Imagine synonyms
envision figure devise frame fancy fantasy envisage visualize create feature scheme image picture form perceive depict fantasize plan spark realize fabricate invent brainstorm project harbor nurture conjure up cook up make up conceptualize build castles in air think of think up see in one's mind guess reckon gather conjecture infer apprehend deem suppose expect presume suspect believe understand surmise take it take for granted
Imagine antonyms
destroy ruin disregard ignore break neglect tell truth know measure disbelieve misunderstand calculate lose
Usage of Imagine in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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