Imagining meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Imagining
As noun : कल्पनाशीलता उ:   अपनी कल्पनाशीलता से उसने अपने सामन्तों की संख्या बढ़ाई।
As verb :
उड़ियाँना Ex:  This can be done by imagining what one would do being in anyone's shoes उदभाव Ex:  Kurosawa began imagining what would have happened had they been bad. कल्पना उ:   इन्होंने केवल कल्पना पर भी कई गीत लिखे हैं। तखय्यल तसव्वुर प्रेप्सा बुद्धिविलास समालोक
Other : उद्भावना उ:   एक स्वतंत्र क्षत्रिय परंपरा की उद्भावना असिद्ध है।
Imagining synonyms
envision figure devise frame fancy fantasy envisage visualize create feature scheme image picture form perceive depict fantasize plan spark realize fabricate invent brainstorm project harbor nurture conjure up cook up make up conceptualize build castles in air think of think up see in one's mind guess reckon gather conjecture infer apprehend deem suppose expect presume suspect believe understand surmise take it take for granted
Imagining antonyms
destroy ruin disregard ignore break neglect tell truth know measure disbelieve misunderstand calculate lose
Usage of Imagining in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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