Imitation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Imitation
As noun : अनिलिपि Ex:  Indeed, ammolite is often used as an imitation of black opal.
अनुकरण Ex:  Tragedy is the imitation of action arousing pity and fear उ:   इसी से काव्य में अनुकरण तत्त्व की महत्ता है। अनुवर्तन Ex:  The Egyptians were the first to produce an artificial imitation of turquoise उ:   इस कथावत्थु का अनुवर्तन बाद में संप्रदाय रूप में विकसित हो गए। आहार्य Ex:  They also wore dark blue trousers and high imitation hussar boots. कारवी Ex:  Josquin frequently used imitation कित्तिम Ex:  The Henriade was written in imitation of Virgil किरतिम Ex:  In imitation of this group किर्तिम Ex:  ", which suggests the imitation was intentional. किर्तृम Ex:  Pantomime of phoning, in imitation cultured voice . कृतम Ex:  This is a kind of imitation or observational learning . कृत्तम Ex:  A pale imitation कृत्यम Ex:  Doing something in imitation of someone कृत्रिम Ex:  false pearls, imitation pearls The उ:   उस काल में कृत्रिम सिंचाई की व्यवस्था भी थी। तकलीद Ex:  He also said, in terms of Fine Arts, an artists class who work or have worked according to the principles in imitation of a same master, or as own habits at certain times of the art, in some places प्रतिलिपि Ex:  It also means Reproducing by an exact imitation उ:   वह पृष्ठ जिन्हें प्रतिलिपि सम्पादन की आवश्यकता है। बनौवा Ex:  It also means, in terms of Literature and Arts, Who attaches too in imitation of a model, or an original letter विडंब Ex:  It also said the imitation that is made of plaster, wax, or some other material स्वाभाविकेतर Ex:  It also says a child is Game an imitation of these maneuvers
Other : अनुकृति Ex:  The imitation was inherently conservative उ:   कला प्रकृति की अनुकृति है। नकल Ex:  He has no invention, but he has the talent of imitation उ:   खेलते समय बच्चे अक्सर वयस्कों की नकल करते हैं। नकली या अनुकरण Ex:  In the plural, he said, in terms of Fine Arts, imitation of any hue or color of the skin नक़ल Ex:  It also means Doing something for the first time, but in imitation of someone who has already made
Imitation ki paribhasha : vah jo roopa, aakaar aadi men kisi ke tuly ho vah kaavyaalnkaar jisamen ek vastu ka kaaranaantar se doosari vastu ke anusaar ho jaana varnan kiya jaay kramashaः niche ki or pravrati ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan vah jo sachchaa, khara ya asal na ho balki asal ko dekhakar roopa, rnga, aakrati aadi men usi ke anusaar banaaya gaya ho baarah prakaar ke putron men se ek
Usage of Imitation in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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