Immediately meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Immediately
As noun : औपयिक Ex:  Aubrey almost immediately canceled production on two Julie Andrews pictures
ठीक Ex:  It was immediately issued on VHS under that title उ:   शरीर को ठीक बनाए रखना इस अंग का विशेष कर्म है। प्रणाय्य Ex:  The period immediately after Tsushima also saw the IJN प्राप्तरूप Ex:  The area immediately around the house is the garden. मुस्तकीम Ex:  Tesla immediately resigned. मुस्तहकिम Ex:  1941, as part of Operation Barbarossa, Minsk immediately came under attack. योक्तिक Ex:  Denmark immediately capitulated रैट Ex:  Edward Yonge's Night Thoughts was immediately popular. वैध ‡ Ex:  Neal immediately contacts the police सप्रमाण Ex:  It has also been reported that Brock died immediately समुढ़ Ex:  Illmatic was immediately hailed as a masterpiece by several critics सारुप्य Ex:  He was immediately visited by Theo सार्थवत् Ex:  Ewing immediately confronted Moor. सुपर्याप्त Ex:  The area immediately outside Fort is known as Pettah and is a commercial hub. सुहूँ Ex:  "Satisfaction" was not immediately released by Decca Records in Great Britain. सेँठा Ex:  This is typical of the Baroque of this period immediately after the earthquake. सौँधी Ex:  Castañeda immediately broke with the Estrada Doctrine हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  During the period immediately after the death of Tiberius' son
As adverb : आननफानन Ex:  The cyclone victims^H^C were immediately shifted to the hospital. इसी घडी Ex:  The offending officer was immediately issued a memo. इसी घड़ी Ex:  She immediately fell in with my idea of going to a movie. उसी समय Ex:  Come off the roof immediately . ऐकद्य Ex:  I will pack the books off to you immediately . चटपट Ex:  Describing Polanski immediately after Tate's death चटपट Ex:  Describing Polanski immediately after Tate's death झटितिपु Ex:  Upon landing in Sicily, several cities immediately joined the Athenian cause. झटितिपु Ex:  Upon landing in Sicily, several cities immediately joined the Athenian cause. तत्काल Ex:  Although the treaty was not immediately enforced उ:   वह तत्काल कौआ बनकर उड़ गया। तुरंत ही Ex:  Savage fled immediately तुरन्त अव्यवहित Ex:  West Campus on its slope, and Collegetown immediately south of Central Campus. त्योँ Ex:  Almost immediately after independence त्योँ Ex:  Almost immediately after independence फिलफौर Ex:  Schuschnigg immediately responded publicly that reports of riots were false. फौरन Ex:  Balaam immediately repents but is told to go on. उ:   मैंने बिना कुछ सोचे फौरन हां कह दिया। बेदिरंग Ex:  The East India Company immediately sought a Royal Charter बेदिरंग Ex:  The East India Company immediately sought a Royal Charter सद Ex:  The Slavs immediately submitted under their leader Witzin.
Other : अभी Ex:  he answered immediately उ:   अभी तक भारत सभी में विजेता रहा है। एकदम Ex:  She opted in almost immediately . उ:   वैज्ञानिक प्रबंध में एकदम नया विकास विनिर्माण है। जल्दी Ex:  Lister immediately told Brian Sellers उ:   इससे समस्याओं का समाधान भी जल्दी हो सकता है। तुरंत Ex:  All the towns and cities of Cilicia fell to Manuel immediately उ:   लेकिन वह तुरंत कोमा में चलए गये। तुरन्त. Ex:  Anti-Semitic demonstrations occurred almost immediately तुरन्त Ex:  Magna Carta itself immediately became part of the "law of the land" शीघ्र Ex:  Yeltsin immediately left the conference. उ:   फिर ये शीघ्र जमीन छोड़कर आगे भाग खड़ी होती है। सद्यः Ex:  Texas was immediately claimed by Spain as part of New Spain. उ:   "शब्द प्राणायाम्" आपका सद्यः प्रकाशित काव्य-संग्रह है।
Immediately ki paribhasha : bhaagavat ke anusaar kuruvnshiy agnivarn ke putr ka naam jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa
Immediately synonyms
shortly forthwith urgently soon promptly directly rapidly instantly now anon in a flash instantaneously on the double pronto summarily thereupon tout de suite straight off pdq at short notice double-time in a new york minute in a jiffy in nothing flat instanter like now now or never on the dot on the spot right now soon afterward straight away this instant this minute unhesitatingly without delay without hesitation
Immediately antonyms
later eventually never
Usage of Immediately in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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