Immemorial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Immemorial
As adjective : अति प्राचीन Ex:  For a long time, since time immemorial
अतिप्राचीन Ex:  From all eternity, From time immemorial उ:   यह दुर्ग अतिप्राचीन है । चिरकाल Ex:  immemorial time उ:   भारत के सभी भागों में इसका प्रचार चिरकाल से चला आ रहा है। स्मरणातीत Ex:  Possession immemorial
Immemorial synonyms
archaic fixed forever long-standing prehistoric primeval rooted time-honored traditional age-old olden of yore
Immemorial antonyms
current memorable young lately new recent
Usage of Immemorial in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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