Immovable meaning in hindi
As noun : अकाटय Ex: Engage, sell all his movable and immovable property
अकुंठित Ex: Ensure all his movable and immovable property अटल उ: मेरी इक्यावन कविताएँ अटल जी का प्रसिद्ध काव्यसंग्रह है। अपील उ: अन्य देशों द्वारा भी रूस से अपील की गई। तीव्रसंवेग ध्रुवक ध्रुवि निभृत मुस्तकिल सुनिश्र्चल स्थाणु
As adjective : अचल Ex: It still means figuratively Who is constant, unchanging, immovable उ: कहानी संग्रह - अचल सुहाग - १९३९, वर्ष गाँठ - १९४२। अचल―अटल अवचल गैरमनकूला तस्थु ध्रुवि निःकंप निरिग विनिश्चल विनिष्कंप सुनिश्र्चल स्थास्नु
Immovable ki paribhasha : jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain ped ka vah dhad jisake oopar ki daliyaaan aur patte aadi na rah gae hon saat ki snkhya ka vaachak shabd u—tulasis pavan nndan atal kruddh yuddh kautuk karai
ExamplesImmovable synonyms
uncompromising unshakable motionless impassive steadfast inflexible unyielding immobile stationary immutable firm set constant solid stable adamant hard-nosed intransigent obdurate quiescent resolute rooted secure stand pat stuck unalterable unchangeable unwavering dead set on dug in immotile locked in set in concrete set in stone stick to guns tough nut unmodifiable Immovable antonyms
willing mobile supple unstable changeable indefinite undecided movable inconstant untrustworthy flexible moving yielding unfixed loose soft wavering Usage of Immovable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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