Impair meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impair
As verb : दुर्बल या क्षीण कर देना Ex:  It means generally Making less pleasant impair the effect of something
दूषित करना Ex:  KILL is said by exaggeration of Things that tire excessively the body, which can impair the health परिक्षीण करना बिगाड़ देना बिगाड़्ना विकृत करना हानि पहुँचाना ह्रास करना
Other : क्षीण करना Ex:  Treatment does not significantly impair normal activities
Impair synonyms
reduce mar decrease worsen debilitate lessen damage hurt tarnish prejudice spoil destroy diminish blunt undermine weaken ding invalidate cheapen blemish debase injure tweak disqualify devalue enfeeble unfit vitiate queer enervate total devaluate deteriorate rough up lose strength make useless
Impair antonyms
grow increase invigorate aid heal enlarge improve assist mend permit enhance upgrade expand extend raise strengthen help develop cure fix repair
Usage of Impair in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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