Impatiently meaning in hindi
As noun : अधीरतापूर्वक Ex:  The squaw waited impatiently for her husband to come back from the war.
As adverb :
अधीरत से Ex:  Piyush was impatiently waiting for the train to arrive. अधीरता से Ex:  he answered her impatiently
Other : व्यग्रता से Ex:  It is also sometimes said, speaking of people and things, to complain impatiently angry or
ExamplesImpatiently synonyms
willingly cordially vigorously sincerely promptly intently zealously heartily gladly earnestly energetically readily fiercely rapidly speedily strenuously breathlessly actively hungrily enthusiastically ardently fervently longingly thirstily anticipatorily cravingly expectantly full tilt spiritedly with enthusiasm with gusto zestfully Impatiently antonyms
unwillingly grudgingly listlessly Usage of Impatiently in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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