Impeach meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impeach
As noun : चुनौती देना Ex:  The Commons even proceeded to impeach some of the King's ministers.
As verb :
अधिक्षेप करना Ex:  the lawyers tried to impeach the credibility of the witnesses अभियोग लगाना Ex:  It has the power to impeach the president. आरोप Ex:  A simple majority in the House is required to impeach an official उ:   फिर भी इस झूठे आरोप में उन्हें छह मास की सजा दी गई। चुनौती Ex:  Moves to impeach sitting justices have occurred more recently उ:   उसने सेनाओं को संगठित कर दक्षिण के सशस्त्र संघर्ष की चुनौती को तोड़ा। प्राभियोजन करना महाभियोग चलाना महाभियोग लगाना महाभियोग लग़ाना
Other : नालिश करना Ex:  Strip, impeach someone an infamous manner of his rank, his dignity, his employment, etc
Impeach ki paribhasha : yuddh ke liye uttejana ya aahavaan kisi ke dvaara kiye gae dosh ya haani ke virooddh nyaayaalay men nivedan
Impeach synonyms
criticize reprimand discredit indict accuse arraign blame impugn reprobate question reprehend try challenge tax criminate inculpate incriminate charge query disparage call into question call to account bring charges against cast aspersions on cast doubt on hold at fault
Impeach antonyms
praise exonerate absolve exculpate reply elect commend flatter answer approve
Usage of Impeach in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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