Impending meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impending
As adjective : आसन्न Ex:  Hearing of the impending death of Suddhodana उ:   आसन्न पट्टिका पुष्प चक्रों से सुसज्जित हैं।
नजदीक का Ex:  Winston happily reconciled to his impending execution निकट का Ex:  Anxiety caused by impending doom शिरस्थ सिर पर आया हुआ सिरपर का
Other : आगामी Ex:  His impending arrival. उ:   फिलहाल वें अपनी आगामी फिल्म के लिए कार्यरत हैं। आगिल Ex:  Napoleon could muster some 75,000 men and 157 guns for the impending battle उपस्थित Ex:  Gorbachev's former ally warned of an impending dictatorship. उ:   जो कि यहाँ पर आज भी उपस्थित है।
Impending synonyms
imminent looming approaching gathering threatening nearing menacing at hand ominous proximate brewing overhanging hovering portending handwriting-on-the-wall in the cards in the offing in the wind looking to on the horizon see it coming waiting to
Impending antonyms
gone later past distant never remote
Usage of Impending in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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