Imperfect meaning in hindi
As noun : अपूर्ण भूत Ex: Photographer Peter Evans later described them as "the imperfect couple.
अपूर्ण Ex: Coming before the innovation of imperfect tempus उ: अपूर्ण प्यूपा के अवयव कुछ कुछ स्वतंत्र होते हैं। असंपूर्ण Ex: And since utilitarianism presumes imperfect knowledge खाँगो Ex: Clear definition, clear, obscure, imperfect खोंड़ा, खोंढ़ा Ex: DIE SE mean being about to die but in this sense it does not say that at present and imperfect indicative गैरमुकम्मल Ex: He had an imperfect joy त्रुटिपूर्ण Ex: Healing whole, perfect, imperfect उ: हालाँकि यह धारणा त्रुटिपूर्ण हो सकती है। विस्खलित Ex: It is said by analogy of Language imperfect children who start talking व्यूद्ध Ex: It means a more general way, literally as well as figuratively, who lacks strength, which is naturally imperfect सावशेष Ex: It means, by extension, Speaking of something very vague, very imperfect हस्तवाम Ex: separate Perception , confused, imperfect
As adjective : अधबना Ex: The entire news channels in the country are telecasting programmes with total ignorance, imperfect knowledge and barbarous अपरिणत Ex: His imperfect knowledge about his subject always gets him in trouble. अप्रवत्नीय Ex: Most games studied in game theory are imperfect information games त्रुतिपूर्ण Ex: imperfect Count, who has a questionable overall conclusion of several possible cases among which failed several of these cases दोष युक्त Ex: imperfect subjunctive, a four time this mode दोषयुक्त Ex: In imperfect or incomplete
Other : अविशुद्ध Ex: Kerala is an imperfect Malayalam portmanteau that fuses kera and alam . अशुद्ध Ex: The disadvantage is imperfect accuracy. उ: यही अशुद्ध रुधिर कहा जाता है, यद्यपि उसमें कोई अशुद्धि नहीं होती। कच्चा Ex: An imperfect healing उ: फल कच्चा रहने पर हरे और सफेद धारियों से युक्त होता है।
Imperfect ki paribhasha : door door par pad hua taage ka vah dobh jisapar daraji bakhiya karate hain jisamen vikaar ya parivartan na hua ho ek prakaar ka bad aur ooancha vraksh jisaki lakadi bahut majaboot hoti hai aur praaya: imaarat ke kaam men aati hain
ExamplesImperfect synonyms
rudimentary inexact sketchy immature incomplete limited junk partial garbage dud low sick lemon minus amiss below par broken damaged defective deficient faulty impaired injured patchy two-bit undeveloped unfinished unsound vicious schlocky warped bottom-of-barrel disfigured few bugs marred Imperfect antonyms
developed moral healthy excellent faultless unblemished unflawed complete finished happy well perfect pure Usage of Imperfect in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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