Impersonal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impersonal
As noun : भाववाचक Ex:  impersonal It is customary in speaking Sleet falling
As adjective :
अकर्तृ वाच्य Ex:  Lets keep the discussion impersonal so as not to en bored anyone. अवैयक्तिक Ex:  an impersonal corporation अव्यक्तिगत Ex:  be impersonal necessity, duty, obligation, propriety उदासिता Ex:  For the pantheist, God is impersonal औपचारिक Ex:  GO, joined the adverb and are used as impersonal verb, used to mark what it is, how important is the thing we are talking उ:   यह एक तरह का औपचारिक प्रशिक्षण है। निरपेक्ष Ex:  He still says things that happen unexpectedly fortuitously; in this sense, it is often used as impersonal उ:   निरपेक्ष सत्य की स्वानुभूति ही ज्ञान है। सनिर्विशेष Ex:  In this impersonal job Staying is often removes the pronoun it
Other : अव्यक्तिक Ex:  An impersonal, impersonal, but only speaking of impersonal verbs nature भाव वाचक Ex:  impersonal
Impersonal ki paribhasha : jo keval kahane sunane ke liye ho vyaakaran men vah sngya jisase kisi padaarth ka bhaava, dharm ya gun aadi soochit ho jise kisi baat ki apeksha ya chaah na ho
Impersonal synonyms
abstract indifferent remote detached businesslike candid cold turkey cold-blooded colorless cool disinterested dispassionate emotionless equal equitable fair formal impartial inhuman neutral objective straight unbiased bureaucratic nondiscriminatory poker-faced strictly business uncolored unpassioned
Impersonal antonyms
compassionate interested friendly informal personable personal sympathetic warm
Usage of Impersonal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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