Implantation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Implantation
As noun : आरोपण Ex:  If implantation does not occur within approximately two weeks उ:   मनुष्य पर अनुशासन का आरोपण ही सामाजिक और नैतिक बुराइयों का जनक है।
उरेहनापु Ex:  Shortly after implantation गुलचानापु घेवरनापु जमावट प्रसंजन लगाना उ:   दार्शनिकों का लक्ष्य समग्र की व्यवस्था का पता लगाना था। सन्निवेश समारोपण
Implantation ki paribhasha : paudhe ko ek jagah se ukhaadkar doosari jagah lagaana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana
Implantation synonyms
concept belief creed attitude rule tenet precept dogma regulation proposition statement teaching axiom tradition basic conviction canon instruction pronouncement article indoctrination fundamental convention gospel declaration inculcation credenda article of faith universal law unwritten rule hype publicity hogwash announcement publication promulgation brainwashing handout advertising promotion evangelism disinformation agitprop newspeak proselytism propagation breeding procreation conjugation pollination impregnation insemination fecundation
Implantation antonyms
ambiguity disbelief skepticism unbelief heterodoxy truth
Usage of Implantation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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