Implicit meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Implicit
As adjective : अंतर्ग्रस्त Ex:  I have implicit faith in your abilities.
अंतर्निहित Ex:  an implicit agreement not to raise the subject उ:   "प्रौद्योगिकी एक अंतर्निहित लोकतंत्रात्मक है। अन्तर्निहित Ex:  So some idea of a common human nature was implicit in each approach. उ:   उपचार, अन्तर्निहित कारणों पर निर्भर करते हैं। अप्रत्य्क्ष Ex:  The dramatic conclusion of the story is implicit throughout the novel. अविलष्ट Ex:  Previously implicit in his teaching असांशयिक Ex:  Rta is both 'nature's way' and the order implicit in nature. उपलक्षित Ex:  Some have seen this as an implicit reaffirmation of the claim to divine status उ:   नियम कमोबेश तकनीकी चरित्र के उपलक्षित होते थे। एतबारी Ex:  Mut's infertility and implicit virginity was taken into consideration निर्विवाद Ex:  implicit Will, one that is manifested less in words than by certain actions उ:   यह निर्विवाद रूप से उनका सबसे रचनात्मक समय था। निहित Ex:  In implicit उ:   उनमें सब शक्तियाँ निहित हैं। पूरा समझा हुआ विवक्षित उ:   पुरुष शब्द से "आत्मा" ही विवक्षित है।
Other : परोक्ष उ:   वह परोक्ष रूप से समस्त सृष्टि का संचालन करता है। विश्वास योग्य
Implicit ki paribhasha : vah jo tinon kaal ki baaten jaanata ho sookshm sharir aur sushupti avastha u—tulasis pavan nndan atal kruddh yuddh kautuk karai jo kahane ki ichchha ho shabd ki lakshan shakti dvaara udabhaavit
Implicit synonyms
unshakable constant steadfast definite tacit unspoken latent implied accurate certain complete constructive entire firm fixed full inarticulate inevitable inferential practical total understood unexpressed unqualified unreserved unsaid virtual wholehearted inferred undeclared unhesitating unuttered contained implicative taken for granted unquestioned
Implicit antonyms
disloyal untrustworthy stated explicit specific
Usage of Implicit in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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