Imported meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Imported
As noun : आयातित Ex:  Levy on imported cosmatics ha sfurther gone up. उ:   और ये आयातित इतालवी ईंटों से ढके हुए हैं।
बाहर से लायी गई Ex:  Gold ingots are imported from Australia.
As adjective : आयात किया हुआ Ex:  This is an imported container.
Other : आयात Ex:  Technical equipments imported from abroad. उ:   आयात शुल्क निर्यात शुल्क से अधिक लिया जाता था।
Imported synonyms
exotic foreign carried transported alien shipped introduced sent choice rare ferried trucked
Imported antonyms
familiar exported
Usage of Imported in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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