Impose meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impose
As verb : अधिरोपित करना Ex:  do not impose your rules on me
आरोपण करना Ex:  While the UK did not impose restrictions उपरोपित करना Ex:  Libya answered by threatening to impose an oil embargo उपाधित करना Ex:  West Virginia does not impose an inheritance tax. उरेहनापु Ex:  Although European nations impose some pollution taxes ऊपर रखना Ex:  Tort law and product liability impose additional costs on manufacturing. गुलचानापु Ex:  Selznick was known to impose very restrictive rules upon Hitchcock घेवरनापु Ex:  William attempted to impose his personal will in 1834 छलना Ex:  Some jurisdictions impose local option sales tax. जिम्मा करना Ex:  Some cities impose additional income taxes. थोप देना Ex:  1997 to impose sanctions on UNITA through Resolution 1127 थोपना Ex:  The courts may impose less severe punishments प्रसंजन Ex:  Action to impose लगाना Ex:  Authority to impose its authority उ:   भारत में नीम का पेड़ घर में लगाना शुभ माना जाता है । लागू करना Ex:  figuratively, It is an autocrat, C is a man who wants to impose his will on everyone सन्निवेश Ex:  Give impose a name
Other : आरोप लगाना Ex:  His government sought to impose Chinese nationalism and
Impose ki paribhasha : kisi chij par bahut si vastuean rakhana ek padaarth ke tal ke saath doosare padaarth ka tal milana
Impose synonyms
appoint levy force institute require introduce order foist charge place promulgate inflict demand put establish enforce presume visit trespass enjoin intrude wreck fix compel wreak lade oblige prescribe decree lay burden exact saddle wish ordain infringe command encroach obtrude constrain horn in lay down force upon lay down the law move in on put foot down read riot act take advantage
Impose antonyms
prevent disorder aid displace remove forget overlook neglect help
Usage of Impose in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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