Impoverished meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impoverished
As noun : आर्थिक रूप से नष्ट Ex:  The Central Valley is the most impoverished
As verb :
अनाढ्य Ex:  Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil. कंगाल Ex:  Vishniac captured tens of thousands of impoverished Jews on film उ:   हम लोग कंगाल हो गाए। क्षीणवृत्ति Ex:  The upset of the commodity system impoverished the state after the war. दरद्नी Ex:  The country was impoverished धनहीन Ex:  A state is enriched by peace and impoverished by war फक्काड़बाज Ex:  Multiple causes have impoverished this country बेनवा Ex:  The bad culture has impoverished the land strong बेसरोसामान Ex:  This land he is impoverished every day मसकीन
As adjective : कम उपजाऊ Ex:  The poor knights were impoverished military veterans
Other : निर्धन Ex:  All these expenses when paid, it was greatly impoverished उ:   मैं निर्धन भिखारी नहीं मेरै दाम।
Impoverished ki paribhasha : jisake paas nirvaah ke liye yathesht dhan ho
Impoverished synonyms
strapped poverty-stricken needy distressed barren destitute indigent bankrupt drained spent ruined depleted broke clean reduced empty flat impecunious insolvent penurious sterile have-not necessitous hurting beggared flat broke played out
Impoverished antonyms
wealthy solvent enlarged increased enriched plentiful full saved
Usage of Impoverished in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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