Impresario meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impresario
As noun : गुंफ Ex:  Tagg's Island near Molesey was associated with the impresario Fred Karno
प्रस्तुतकर्ता Ex:  This company has an excellent impresario उ:   इनके प्रस्तुतकर्ता जेम्स स्टर्लिंग के नाम पर इनका नाम पड़ा। संचालक उ:   अब इसके संचालक श्री शंभुदास हैं। संचालाक संयोजक उ:   वे छत्तीसगढ़ रारज्य निर्माण संयोजन समिति के संयोजक भी रहे।
Impresario ki paribhasha : vyaakaran men vah shabd jo shabdon ya vaakyon ke bich keval jodne ke liye aata hai vah jo kisi prakaar ke udyog ya snstha aadi ke thik se chalate rahane ka prabndh karata ho
Impresario synonyms
director sponsor showperson stage manager
Usage of Impresario in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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