Imprisonment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Imprisonment
As noun : अवरोधन Ex:  The accused got the rigorous imprisonment of seven years. उ:   पांच में से एक प्रॉस्टेट ग्रंथीय अवरोधन कर्कट के कारण होता है।
काराबन्धन Ex:  termination of imprisonment कारावास Ex:  He was given the choice between imprisonment and probation उ:   उनकी अधिकतर रचनाएं कारावास की कृतियाँ हैं। क़ैद Ex:  Refusal to join the occupying army resulted in imprisonment तख्तबंद Ex:  `Abdu'l-Bahá had shared his father's long exile and imprisonment बन्धुआई Ex:  Throughout Mandela's imprisonment
Other : कैद Ex:  Penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment are imposed for these offences. उ:   पंजाब जाते समय गाँधी जी को कैद कर लिया गया।
Imprisonment ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka dnd jon raajaniyam ke anusaar ya raajaagya se diya jaata hai aur jisamen abhiyukt ko kisi bnd sthaan men rakhate hain
Imprisonment synonyms
isolation confinement captivity incarceration custody thralldom bondage restraint quarantine duress remand thraldom durance immuration confining jailing capturing detaining immuring imprisoning incarcerating locking up quarantining
Imprisonment antonyms
liberation liberty freedom discharge liberating release
Usage of Imprisonment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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