Improvident meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Improvident
As adjective : अदूरदरसी Ex:  The improvident Goring defaulted on his rents
अदूरदर्शी Ex:  The Youth is improvident अपरिणामदर्शी अल्पदर्शन कमनजर कोतहनजर स्वल्पदृक्
Improvident ki paribhasha : jo door ke parinaam ka vichaar na kare
Improvident synonyms
extravagant heedless imprudent inconsiderate lavish negligent prodigal profligate profuse reckless shiftless shortsighted thoughtless wasteful unthrifty thriftless uneconomical
Improvident antonyms
careful miserly provident thrifty
Usage of Improvident in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi. 
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