Improvise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Improvise
As verb : एकाएक प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  She chose to improvise on an old folk theme .
काम चलाना Ex:  Individual soloists would improvise within these arrangements. काम निकालना Ex:  Bergman increasingly let his actors improvise their dialogue. कामचलाऊ प्रबंध करना Ex:  Action to improvise a speech, music तत्काल तैयार करना Ex:  Compose, perform, improvise variations तत्काल भाषण या कविता सुनाना Ex:  improvise variations on a tune, a theme, a given pattern समय पर काम चलाने के लिये (गीत आदि) बना लेना Ex:  Parts of the old Italian theater were usually as simple canvas on which actors improvise
Improvise synonyms
concoct devise ad-lib contrive invent dream up brainstorm jam spark extemporize coin fake knock off slapdash wing it throw together dash off do off top of head do offhand fake it improv improvisate make do speak off the cuff
Improvise antonyms
devise premeditate design plan
Usage of Improvise in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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