Impute meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Impute
As verb : अभ्यारोपित करना Ex:  Action to impute or result this action
आरोप या लांक्षन Ex:  Do not blame me to impute a forgetting moment दोष लगाना Ex:  impute to blame someone, in blaming in him by remonstrating बिदूखना, बिदूषना Ex:  The same is said to impute crime लांछन लगाना Ex:  To impute a crime to someone लाछ‌ंन लगाना Ex:  we impute you an anonymous letter
Other : आरोप लगाना Ex:  Do not impute to me my crime moderation
Impute synonyms
ascribe adduce reference hint indict brand stigmatize censure blame credit charge insinuate lay accuse accredit intimate assign pin on hang something on
Impute antonyms
absolve exonerate exculpate praise guard protect defend help
Usage of Impute in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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