In a bad way meaning in hindi
As noun : सख्त बीमार
As adjective :
भयानक संकट में
ExamplesIn a bad way synonyms
damaged shabby decaying crumbling unkempt broken-down neglected dingy decrepit ramshackle derelict rickety injured impaired decayed faded crumbly crummy old ratty raunchy shaky tacky threadbare unimproved worn-out battered marred beat-up dog-eared fallen-in rinky-dink slummy tumble-down uncared for used-up deserted desolate abandoned below par debilitated drained enervated exhausted fatigued forsaken frowzy peaked tattered tired under the weather unhealthy weak weary down-at-the-heel out of condition uncared-for untended used up grubby sleazy squalid scruffy ailing beat up bedraggled drooping droopy mangy messy overgrown poor poorly ragged sickly slovenly torn untidy unwell flagging gone to seed sagging wilted wilting disordered indisposed incurable funny nauseated invalid wobbly frail imperfect suffering confined tottering green mean bedridden defective delicate diseased feeble feverish infirm lousy queasy rocky rotten run down infected hospitalized declining broken down in poor health not so hot qualmish sick as a dog under medication inappropriate untoward regrettable lamentable adverse disastrous deplorable damaging doomed desperate afflicted burdened calamitous cursed destitute hapless hopeless ill-fated inopportune luckless pained ruined ruinous star-crossed stricken troubled unbecoming unfavorable unhappy unpropitious unsuccessful unsuitable wretched ill-starred jinxed out of luck shattered unprosperous awkward inept In a bad way antonyms
ok repaired healthy stable rebuilt good nice neat sound in good repair used populated fresh luxurious posh respectable clean moral content pleased satisfied well strong perfect gentle happy undiseased suitable auspicious lucky fortunate helpful timely proper blessed favorable hopeful Usage of In a bad way in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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