In a nutshell meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In a nutshell
As noun : संक्षेप में
In a nutshell synonyms
compendious epigrammatic laconic meaty pithy marrowy boiled down make a long story short to the point condensed curt lean abridged breviloquent compendiary compressed synoptic barbed pertinent incisive trenchant sarcastic telling sharp insinuating keen cutting accurate acid acute on the nose pregnant tart legit calling a spade a spade laid on the line on the button right to it right-on short-and-sweet precise short-lived fleeting abbreviate little bare cut short momentary sententious aphoristic short-term shortened abbreviated diminished summarized decreased lessened curtailed undersized curtate cut to the bone decurtate not protracted unprolonged unsustained blunt brusque in few words hasty arbitrary cursory run-through perfunctory run-down compacted recapped rehashed cryptic elliptical abrupt clear-cut close crisp exact neat snappy taut clipped gnomic shortly in brief summarily in short succinctly to sum things up
In a nutshell antonyms
large unabridged loose slack uncondensed big lengthy long long-winded wordy redundant repetitive expansive stupid kind calming soothing gentle nice blunt dull mild enduring lasting long-lived adequate enough sufficient courteous polite high tall thick verbose prolix permanently at length long-windedly verbosely
Usage of In a nutshell in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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