In the end meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In the end
As noun : अंत में Ex:  Everything will come out well in the end .
प्रांतभूमौ Ex:  La Feria Isidra is celebrated in La Ceiba in the end of May.
As adverb : अंततोगत्वा Ex:  Things always work out in the end . उ:   किंतु अंततोगत्वा उन्होंने तप को व्यर्थ समझकर छोड़ दिया।
Other : आख़िर Ex:  Baron Pierre de Coubertin, in the end of the 19th century. आख़िरकार Ex:  A touchback also occurs when the kick goes out-of-bounds in the end zone. आखिरकार Ex:  Punts and turnovers in the end zone can also end in a touchback. उ:   ये सारे बच्चे आखिरकार भारत छोड़कर कहीं और चले गए।
In the end synonyms
someday sooner or later finally yet hereafter sometime one day after all at last at the end of the day in future in the long run when all is said and done conclusively in conclusion at long last it's about time afterwards behind consequently next latterly after while at a later date by and by in the aftermath infra basically fundamentally presently somewhere after a while as a conclusion at the close climactically in consummation in due time in the sequel sequentially
In the end antonyms
never earlier former prior
Usage of In the end in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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