In the form of meaning in hindi

How to pronounce In the form of
As noun : के रूप में Ex:  It comes in the form of flakes
तँ Ex:  Norovirus, by breathing in viruses in the form of aerosols e. तईँ Ex:  Gilberte had already been given her inheritance in the form of a dowry. तैँ Ex:  Numbers were reintroduced into geometry in the form of coordinates by Descartes त्या Ex:  The development of TGV trains is being pursued in the form of the AGV दै Ex:  Much of the food was in the form of cans of pemmican Ex:  Kiev also receives its power supply in the form of natural gas से Ex:  New derivations have surfaced in the form of "pwnt" and "ownt" उ:   कांगड़ा से मुरथल के पास पंजाब में चली जाती है। सेँति, सेँती Ex:  Commencement orders are usually in the form of Ordinances. हुंता Ex:  Chemical weapons have been used for millennia in the form of poisoned arrows हुते Ex:  Pollution can be in the form of chemical substances
In the form of ki paribhasha : kaamadev ki patni ka naam
Usage of In the form of in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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