In truth meaning in hindi
As noun : तत्वतः Ex:  In truth, in truth
वास्तव में Ex:  No lie, do not lie, In truth, in truth सत्यतह Ex:  Put a light in truth the show and spread हकीकतन Ex:  Worshipping the true God in spirit and in truth
ExamplesIn truth synonyms
absolutely very literally really de facto genuinely as a matter of fact in fact in point of fact in reality veritably candidly directly freely level on the level openly plainly straight bluntly dead level dead on forthrightly from the hip laid on the line straightforwardly without reserve ancient classical factual authentic important old past verifiable archival attested chronicled commemorated documented easily certainly surely naturally undoubtedly amen even much of course positively strictly sure thing well doubtlessly verily very much undeniably for real to be sure largely fully thoroughly utterly altogether entirely perfectly totally wholly all told considerably just precisely purely all in all in all respects in toto without reservation sincerely exactly definitely honestly accurately constantly correctly faithfully firmly honorably loyally reliably steadily truthfully legitimately authentically beyond doubt beyond question confirmedly devotedly factually in actuality righteously staunchly unequivocally veraciously with devotion without a doubt with all one's heart In truth antonyms
dishonestly deviously insincerely secretively imaginary modern fictional false doubtfully dubiously questionably indefinite partially incompletely partly inadequately Usage of In truth in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi
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