Inaccuracy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inaccuracy
As noun : अपराद्धि Ex:  In the inaccuracy of the English language
अयथार्थता Ex:  Both drafts however contain a fundamental inaccuracy अशुद्धि Ex:  By extension, the inaccuracy of a calculation उ:   इनमें सेकंड के हजारवें भाग तक की अशुद्धि जानी जा सकती है। आशौच Ex:  His the inaccuracy lost in the minds of its leaders गलती Ex:  It is an unforgivable inaccuracy in fulfilling its duties उ:   मूल ईमेल में ऐसी गलती कभी नहीं मिलेगी। टोटि Ex:  The inaccuracy of style, memory, a story प्रामाद्य Ex:  This employee is too much inaccuracy भूलचूक मंतु मिथ्यामति
Other : ग़लती Ex:  So to speak and write borrowed from the Gascon dialect and is an inaccuracy in French
Inaccuracy ki paribhasha : niboo, imali, aama, anaar ya aaanvale aadi kisi khatte phal ke ras ko gaadha karake banaaya hua ek padaarth jo atynt khatta hota hai
Inaccuracy synonyms
deception defect exaggeration blunder solecism erratum incorrectness unfaithfulness miscalculation wrong slip fault mistake imprecision typo corrigendum unreliability howler inexactness
Inaccuracy antonyms
perfection success accuracy correction correctness right
Usage of Inaccuracy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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