Inaccurate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inaccurate
As noun : अयाथार्यिक Ex:  By extension, inaccurate Copiste
गलत Ex:  Report wrong, inaccurate उ:   वह सब कुछ गलत समझ लेती है। विस्खलित
As adjective : अपुनीत Ex:  This is a deliberately inaccurate spelling/pronunciation for porn अयथार्थ Ex:  Muskets were inaccurate at distances greater than 50 to 100 meters अशुद्ध Ex:  Image inaccurate the उ:   "हस्पताल" भी हिंदी में अशुद्ध है। अशौची Ex:  It is a strong man inaccurate गलीज Ex:  This news is true, false, is safe, is doubtful, is unlikely, is inaccurate new गैरसाल सांजन
Inaccurate synonyms
incorrect untrue defective mistaken wrong unreliable faulty careless counterfactual discrepant fallacious inexact off off base out specious unfaithful unsound wide wild false imprecise all wet in error way-off doesn't wash
Inaccurate antonyms
honest reliable correct right true accurate precise just perfect sound
Usage of Inaccurate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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