Inalienable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inalienable
As noun : अनपवर्तित Ex:  Convince me that liberty is not the inalienable birthright of every human being
As adjective :
अनन्य स‌ंक्राम्य Ex:  He seems to be as of an inalienable nature. isnt it. अनपहार्य Ex:  dowry Plan Together these provisions when the dowry of the woman is subject to special safeguards, including the inalienable अवियोज्य Ex:  Quality Law of what is inalienable उ:   सारे चित्रकथाओं में टिनटिन और स्नोई को अवियोज्य दिखाया हैं। असंक्राम्य Ex:  Quality of Theology which is inalienable असक्राम्य Ex:  The inalienable domain of the crown अस‌ंक्राम्य Ex:  The property is inalienable dowry अहरणीय Ex:  The public domain is inalienable अहस्तांतरणीय Ex:  The public domain, the domain of the State and absolutely the domain or domains, Property that collectively belong to the nation, the state, and are inalienable and जो अलग किया न जा सके जो हस्तान्तरित न किया जा सके
Other : अभिन्न Ex:  inalienable building attached to the possession of a title of nobility and passes with this title to the natural or adoptive heir of the owner उ:   वे सामाजिक व्यवस्था के अभिन्न अंग थे।
Inalienable synonyms
basic inbred inviolable natural sacrosanct unassailable entailed nonnegotiable nontransferable untransferable
Inalienable antonyms
changeable impermanent acquired transitory alienable
Usage of Inalienable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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