Inattentive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Inattentive
As noun : औलादौला Ex:  It means figuratively Who is distracted, inattentive
निरुस्तुक लापरवाह लावबाली हेलावत्
As adjective : अनवेक्षी Ex:  He is inattentive to the needs of others. असावधान Ex:  A child inattentive ध्यानरहित बिसंभर लापरवा सप्रमाद
Inattentive ki paribhasha : bimaar behosh
Inattentive synonyms
bored distracted careless distraught oblivious indifferent apathetic absent absentminded blind diverted dreamy faraway heedless inadvertent listless lost musing neglectful off-guard preoccupied rapt regardless remiss removed scatterbrained thoughtless unconscious unheeding unmindful unobservant unthinking vague distrait inobservant out to lunch undiscerning unnoticing unobserving unperceiving unwatchful
Inattentive antonyms
interested mindful heedful noticing observant concerned caring attentive looking
Usage of Inattentive in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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