Inaugurate meaning in hindi
As noun : प्रथम परिचय करवाना
As verb :
अभिषिक्त करना Ex:  We will inaugurate Ken as vice president . उद्घाटन करना उद्घाटन उ: इसका अधिकारिक रूप से उद्घाटन १९७४ मे किया गया था। तिलक करना शुभारंभ करना शुभारभं
Other : अभिषेक करना Ex:  Action to inaugurate गद्दी पर बैठाना
Inaugurate ki paribhasha : kisi prasiddh vyakti dvaara kisi kaary ka praarnbh
ExamplesInaugurate synonyms
launch set up dedicate introduce initiate open commence induct commission institute invest originate ordain bow jump start break in break the ice make up instate get things rolling get under way kick off set in motion usher in Inaugurate antonyms
cease retract adjourn end finish stop conclude close uninstall Usage of Inaugurate in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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