Incarceration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Incarceration
Other : कैद Ex:  After their incarceration उ:   सिर्फ एक मेमीलुक उनकी कैद से भागने में सफल रहा।
जेल में बन्द करना Ex:  Struggle and incarceration surrounded Shakur from an early age. बंदीकरण Ex:  In 2008, Louisiana had the highest incarceration rate, and Maine the lowest.
Incarceration ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka dnd jon raajaniyam ke anusaar ya raajaagya se diya jaata hai aur jisamen abhiyukt ko kisi bnd sthaan men rakhate hain
Usage of Incarceration in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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