Incendiary meaning in hindi
As noun : अग्नि बम Ex:  AK 47 is an incendiary device.
आग लगाने वाला Ex:  The incendiary rounds were especially effective against aircraft आगलगाऊ Ex:  Napalm was also used, as well as other incendiary devices. आदीपक Ex:  incendiary उत्तेजक Ex:  The incendiary d a house where death is punished उ: इन उत्तेजक औषधियों का प्रभाव इनकी मात्रा पर निर्भर करती है। गृहदाही Ex:  We found him incendiary proclamations दाहक अग्निद Ex:  , It is a written incendiary भडकाने वाला भड़काने वाला मुहर्रिक राजविद्रोही विद्रोहात्मक संधुक्षण समादापक
As adjective : आदीपक Ex:  incendiary दाहक उ: दाहक अनुभव ही रचनात्मक साहित्य बन पाता है, इसमें कोई सन्देह नहीं है। दाहकारक प्रुषित सोजाँ
Incendiary ki paribhasha : vah jo raaja ya raajy ke prati vidroh kare vegon ko tivr karanevaala
ExamplesIncendiary synonyms
subversive inflammatory treacherous provocative dangerous malevolent seditious wicked demagogic dissentious rabble-rousing revolutionary insurgent arsonist rabble-rouser firebrand demagogue pyromaniac agitator rebel demonstrator criminal rioter Incendiary antonyms
loyal peacemaking Usage of Incendiary in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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