Incense meaning in hindi
As noun : अग्निवल्लभ Ex:  this is incense stick.
कप्याख्य Ex:  These laws included light, incense and sacrifice. करेनर Ex:  A grain of incense कुढाना Ex:  also said sometimes Offer incense कुपित करना Ex:  Among the Hebrews, he there was an altar of holocausts and incense altar कुढ़ाना Ex:  Burn incense and aloe घृणि Ex:  Burning incense before an idol घ्राणतर्पण Ex:  Burning incense on altars घ्रानि Ex:  Give incense Burning incense before someone or something, to perform a religious ceremony तावड़ियाँ Ex:  He refused to give incense to idols दिनज्योति Ex:  Honoring following a particular ritual burning of incense in the vase CENSER said धुप्पु Ex:  incense altars धूप देना Ex:  incense pastilles, benzoin, etc धूप Ex:  Make incense around the coffin उ: इसके पश्चात उसे धोया और धूप में सुखाया जाता था। नाराज़ करना या गुस्सा दिलाना Ex:  Offer incense बोय ‡ Ex:  Offer incense to idols वह्निगंध Ex:  Species casserole suspended from small chains, in which incense and which are used to incense शमामा Ex:  The first incense stems from the tree, big tears, yellowish शमीम Ex:  The incense smoked on the altars श्रीवास, श्रीवासक Ex:  The smoke of incense सार्क Ex:  , Burning incense in front of someone, the adulation, the fawn with large demonstrations Respect उ: यह दो वृहत आर्थिक खण्डों सार्क और आसियान के बीच आती है। सिह्ल, सिह्लक Ex:  This incense premium is also called male Incense सुगंध उ: इनमें हल्की सी सुगंध भी होती है। सुलगाना सूगंध सूर्यतेज सूर्यशोभा सौँध सौँधा हंसदाहन
Other : इत्र Ex:  They have also been used as incense burners. उ: एस्टर के उपयोग से इत्र भी बनाया जाता है। सुगन्ध उ: फूलों की सुगन्ध चारों ओर फैली हुई है और सारा दृश्य बड़ा ही मनोरम है। सुगन्धित करना
Incense ki paribhasha : achchhi aur priy mahak soory ka prakaash aur taap
ExamplesIncense synonyms
odor aroma scent perfume balm bouquet essence punk redolence flame fuel spice frankincense myrrh burnt offering exasperate infuriate excite irritate enrage inflame rile disgust anger bother umbrage provoke madden ire egg on fire up ask for it get a rise out of make blood boil make see red get under one's skin Incense antonyms
odor stink stench calm placate soothe pacify quiet tranquilize aid appease comfort please make happy compose help Usage of Incense in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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